The order of battle of the Armia Ludowa (People's Army), or AL, shown on this page, is by no means complete. It includes only the most important foray groups. In early 1944 AL had around 60 partisan units of various sizes. All the units listed below were made up of full-time partisans, except the foray groups, which consisted of part-time fighters. There were also sabotage groups and garrison units that are not listed here.
AL Headquarters
(Krajowa Rada Narodowa - National Council of the Country)
(located in Warsaw)
- Foray Group "Andrzej"
District (Okreg) 1 Warszawa
District (Okreg) 2 Warszawa-Lewa Podmiejska
District (Okreg) 3 Warszawa-Prawa Podmiejska
Partisan Detachment "Jurek" (until February of 1944)
Partisan Detachment "Zygmunt" (until February of 1944. Transferred from the ML RPPS; not to be mistaken with another partisan detachment with the same name - see below)
Partisan Detachment "Imienia J. Slowackiego" (on 02.04.1944 it was transferred to the Soviet Partisan Movement)
Partisan Detachment "Dabrowski" (until mid-March of 1944)
- Foray Group "Murzyn" (not to be mistaken with another foray group with the
same name - see below)
- Foray Group "Zagloba"
- Foray Group "Ignacy" ("Gajowy")
- Foray Group "Dof"
Foray Group "Czarny"
Foray Group "Maly"
Foray Group "Kuba"
Foray Group "Wasik"
Foray Group "Lasek" (formed in February-March of 1944)
Foray Group "Ryszard" (dispersed in March of 1944)
Foray Group "Maciek"
Foray Group "Zelazny"
Headquarters Partisan Detachment
1st Partisan Brigade "Imienia Ziemi Lubelskiej" (since February of 1944)
- 1st Battalion "Wicek"
- 2nd Battalion "Bogdan"
- 3rd Battalion "Przepiorka"
Partisan Detachment "Armata"
Partisan Detachment "Stary"
Partisan Detachment "Janowski"
Partisan Battalion "Imienia Holoda"
- Partisan Detachment "Maciek"
- Partisan Detachment "Janek"
- Partisan Detachment "Stach"
- Partisan Detachment "Chyl"
Partisan Detachment "Jegier" (in February of 1944 it was attached to the Partisan Battalion "Imienia Holoda")
Foray Group "Murzyn" (not to be mistaken with another foray group with the same name - see above)
Region (Obwod) III Radomsko-Kielecki
Partisan Detachment "Imienia B. Glowackiego"
Partisan Detachment "Imienia Zawiszy Czarnego"
Partisan Detachment "Imienia J. Sowinskiego" (on 12.02.1944 most of its members were murdered-off in and near Wolka Bodzechowska by the extremist right-wing pseudo-partisans from the AK Detachment "Biale Barwy")
Partisan Detachment "Imienia D. Czachowskiego"
Partisan Detachment "Imienia M. Langiewicza"
Partisan Detachment "Imienia W. Lukasinskiego" (dispersed on 6.06.1944)
Partisan Detachment "Garbaty"
Partisan Detachment "Gutek"
Partisan Detachment "Stefan Kola" ("Adam")
Partisan Detachment "Zygmunt" (either mostly or entirely made up of Jews from the Pinczow area led by Z. Fajnsztat "Zygmunt"; dispersed or destroyed in January of 1944 by the German Gendarmerie/Rural Police near Pinczow)
Partisan Detachment "Stanko"
Foray Group "Tadek Bialy"
Foray Group "Tomek"
Foray Group "Iskra"
Partisan Detachment "Imienia Marcina"
Partisan Detachment "Kwasny"
Partisan Detachment "Klusownik"
Foray Group "Muszka"
Foray Group "Sowa"
Foray Group "Sep"
Entered the AL as, possibly with the exception of Obwod V, its numerically smallest and weakest obwod. Massive arrests in 1943 and January-February of 1944, destroyed the Okreg of Lodz, together with, to a large degree, the Okreg of Lodz-Podmiejska. In March attempts to renew the activity in Lodz proved unsuccessful. In May the embryonic Okreg of Poznan was likewise destroyed. Only the Okreg of Plock, which was also the most active one of them, avoided a similar fate, was detached from this obwod, and went on to function until the liberation (for a separate treatment of the Okreg of Plock, see above).
Mieczyslaw Wieczorek, Armia Ludowa; Powstanie i Organizacja, 1944-1945, Wydawnictwo MON, Warszawa, 1979.
Encyklopedia Drugiej Wojny Swiatowej, Wydawnictwo MON, Warszawa, 1975.
Wladyslaw Wazniewski, Walki Partyzanckie nad Nida, 1939-1945; Z Dziejow Walki Podziemnej na Ziemi Miechowsko-Pinczowskiej, Wydawnictwo MON, Warszawa, 1969.
Bogdan Hillebrandt, Partyzantka na Kielecczyznie, 1939-1945, Wydawnictwo MON, Warszawa, 1967.
Created, Researched, and Maintained by the Polish Resistance Movement.
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